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Drifter House 01: Makenzie Simson-Part 5

There is never a dull monument in a house full of children. Even though neither Mac or Z work they are constantly busy tending to the needs of there ever growing family and earning the money to constantly improve their home. No matter how busy they are though they have so much fun playing with the kids. Mac caught Melody playing in her closet one day and just had to take a picture it was so funny.

In what felt like a blink of an eye, Melody was turning into a teenager.

Some of Macs favorite times as the kids got older was the quite times eating breakfast around the table before everyone went off to start their day.

And playing family games in the evenings.

While the kids went about their business of studying and playing, Mac used that time to continuing crafting and building on their house.

And before they knew it, Mac had turned the empty plot of land that her grandparents had left her into a beautiful house worth over $30,000.00

Life at the Simson house is full of love and fun:

And Kane is turning into a teen:

As the kids all start getting older, Mac and Z decide they want to try for one last Nuboo. And before they know it Mac is announcing another Nuboo on the way.

Shortly after they find out they are expecting, Z ages to an elder:

Mac decides to take it a little easy on the collection and crafting during this pregnancy as she isn’t as young as she was with the other, and instead decides to spend her pregnancy spending time with her family.

Welcome Nuboo #4, Brandon Simson.

Shortly after the birth of Brandon Mac ages into an Elder.

Mac spends her birthday reflecting on where she started and where she is. She looks at all she has accomplished and basks in the love of her family. She decides to retire and spend all her time with her family.

Jeremiah ages into a teen,

And the next day Melody ages into a Young Adult. On her birthday her mom explains that they don’t have a lot of money so they can’t give her money to move out but they are continuing the family tradition of passing on a plot of land to the oldest child. One of the first things Mac did when she realized she was expecting her first Nuboo was save up enough money and bought a plot of land in neighboring willow creek called Crick Cabana. That is what she received for her birthday.

End of Drifter House 1

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